Eyebrows are the natural frame for eyes, emphasize beauty and in general make you more beautiful. Properly trimmed and with right make-up they can change your appearance. What cosmetics you should use and how to perform eyebrow make-up? See for yourself.

  • Step 1: Before you get to the make-up, determine the proportions of your eyes and eyebrows. Place a pencil along the nose then tilt it at 45° angle. That way you define the beginning and end of your eyebrow ridge.
  • Step 2: Various make-up artists recommends eyebrow pencil for the make-up. It will also come handy when you need to complement deficits in the brows or correct their shape and length. Eyebrow pencil should be sharp and hard enough so that the lines you draw last throughout the day. Use this cosmetic to draw short lines that will imitate brows. Remember to blend all the lines, so that make-up was as natural as possible. The pencil’s shade match with your natural color of eyebrows and hair.
  • Step 3: If your eyebrows are narrow and delicate, treat them with eyebrows shadows or gel. You will need an angled brush. Such applicator allows you to perform precise make-up quickly. Use a brush to draw small lines. You can also stamp the brow ridge by pressing the applicator against the skin. Excess cosmetic comb out with a small comb and fix it with a translucent powder.
  • Step 4: If your eyebrows are dense and dark, just use colorless gel or mascara. Those cosmetics will preserve eyebrows in the given shape. During the make-up use a small applicator which can easily reach even the shortest brows.
  • Step 5: If you already filled the deficits in the brow ridge and drew some hair, this is the time to use the highlighter. Apply this cosmetic right under the brows. This technique will optically make your eyes bigger and outline your eyebrows. Your make-up is ready!

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