Hair styling is quite a challenge, especially with unruly hair that is not willing to submit to the curler or flat iron. It is worth getting to know methods that can make it easier. Here are four most popular questions about hair styling.

It can be assumed there is no woman who wouldn’t want her hair to look good. The perfect hair style is one of few ways to express your style, even a sort of decoration. Hair styling methods are many and sometimes it can be found difficult to find the right one among them. Below are 4 answers to the most burning questions.

Does styling damage hair?

It depends on the method. The worst is too high temperature and lack of protection against heat. Yet, if you use cosmetics that protect your hair, no curler or flat iron can harm it. Another thing that can be dangerous is the excess of styling products (gel, mousse, hair spray), which settle on hair and can lead to weighing down. Hair styling will not be harmful is balance is introduced.

How to provide hair with volume?

The easiest way to ensure that volume is dry shampoo used to hair roots. Hair is then stiff and slightly elevated. Volume boost can be also an outcome of hair drying. Use curlers, dry it on the large round brush or with your head down. The volume depends also on the hair condition. The healthier and more hair you have, the greater size of your hair style.

Is hair oil helpful in styling?

No questions asked. You should definitely try hair oils for hair care, styling or even the hair wash (check out which oils are the best for hair). Hair styling with oils is not only a way to provide it with gloss and smoother. Well chosen oils for the given hair type will nourish, prevent water loss, speed up hair growth, protect. It is worth knowing that oils are natural heat protecting substances so you should definitely try it before hair drying.

What is the way for hair smoother?

First thought: flat iron. However, heat is not your hair ally, so alternative would be advisable. The best solution is to take care of hair smoother by adding some weight with silicones or oils. Emollients settle on the hair surface to preserve water and nourishing ingredients inside the hair. The “side” effect is hair smoother.